Safe & Human-Contact-Free Boat Rentals
As with everything we do, safety is our #1 concern! Addressing the Covid-19 virus is no different.
We want all our valued customers to know what we are doing in order for you to continue to enjoy Lake Wylie with your family safely.
We have started a human-contact-free way to rent your pontoon!
You can book your rental online and then arrive at the launch, check-in with our staff, go through the safety briefing, ask questions remotely, and return the boat all with limited interaction with our staff.
All of our pontoons have a max capacity of 10 people. Each pontoon will have all surfaces washed, disinfected and wiped down AFTER EVERY USE! We have industrial size sprayers and concentrated disinfectant chemicals we are spraying down each vessel and the docks after every use.
After booking your pontoon rental on our website, you will immediately be emailed a detailed outline of where to park and where to go. In the same email you will have links to a few different videos that will introduce you to your pontoon and go over important safety precautions. During this time it is very important to pay attention to your emails.
When customers arrive to the marina, they will call/text us from the parking lot. Customers will stay in the parking lot until the dock is cleared. We will call each customer down to the dock ONE AT A TIME in order to keep our distance and only have one group on the dock at a time. Once on the pontoon, our staff will go over the safety spiel from a distance with each customer.
This process allows us to make sure staff and guests are separated at all times by much farther than 6′!

Get Out of the House Safely
Boating is the ultimate Social Distancing activity! You’d be hard pressed to get within 6ft of another boat, and please don’t try (we’d like to avoid insurance claims). And there is plenty of Virus-killing UV light available year-round in Florida.
We want our customers to know that you do NOT have to be stuck in your living room. You can take your family out on the lake and enjoy some fresh air safely!
Once you’re on the pontoon, there are STRICT RULES you need to follow: here is a great graphic that shows what the guidelines are for safe boating.